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Corner of 6th and Rayburn 营业厅- 2楼

Theatre 艺术 Department
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2008
莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@apipros.net

网络: Theatre 艺术 Department


National Recognition Leads to Confidence and Opportunity

National Recognition Leads to Confidence and Opportunity

During his first year at the 365滚球官网, 安德鲁•尤德 focused on his theatrical performance skills in the Department of Theatre 艺术. But a chance opportunity to design and run the soundboard for U of I’s production of “愚蠢的侍者” in 2017 allowed the Boise native to find his passion in sound design.

National Finalist in Sound Design

Now a sophomore pursuing a Bachelor of Fine 艺术 in theatre arts, Yoder was a finalist for a national sound design award at the Kennedy Center American Theatre Festival 在华盛顿特区.C. 2019年4月. His work was also recognized on a local level earlier this year at the 第七区KCACTF 尤金事件, 俄勒冈州, 在2月份, where he won a weeklong summer internship with the Las Vegas Stage Institute, 在拉斯维加斯, 内华达.

Since he spun turntables for 10 years at junior high and high school parties and produced music for six years online, Yoder’s evolution into sound design has been a natural transition.

“Electronic music was my bread and butter,” he said.

As a sound designer for U of I performances, he is responsible for setting up the sound playback equipment and for all sound effects, whether recorded or live for a specific production.


The national festival included hands-on workshops and activities where Yoder met other award-winning sound design students and alumni from around the United States.

“I got to make really cool connections,” he said. “The amount I learned from my fellow peers was immense.

“We got to go wild with recording, using speakers and mics. We were encouraged to be creative in making original sounds,” he said.

Networking and Connections

Though he didn’t come home with the top prize, Yoder returned to Idaho with a list of future fellowship and internship opportunities.

Networking events at the festival led to two summer fellowship offers for Yoder – one with the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center in Connecticut and another with the Contemporary American Theater Festival in West Virginia. 然而, it was a separate offer, working in Boise this summer with the Idaho Shakespeare Festival that ultimately won Yoder’s heart.

整体, this spring – and his experience at the national festival - was nothing short of transformative for Yoder.

“The responses I got to my work were very positive. It was a little bit of validation,” he said. “It was a life-changing experience, to say the least.”

Article by Kelly O'Neill, Department of Theatre 艺术



Corner of 6th and Rayburn 营业厅- 2楼

Theatre 艺术 Department
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2008
莫斯科,ID 83844-2008



电子邮件: theatre@apipros.net

网络: Theatre 艺术 Department
