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“怀特”和利昂娜·弗莱彻是巴特城的居民, 爱达荷州, 并且喜欢帮助参加牛仔竞技的高中生, 削减赛马比赛和相关项目,如4-H赛马项目.

A $1,000 大学 scholarship is available to graduating 4-H members who meet the following requirements:

  • 来自东区(原班诺克第四区), 贝尔斯登湖, 博纳维尔, 孤峰, 驯鹿, 克拉克, 库斯特, 霍尔堡, 富兰克林, 弗里蒙特, 杰佛逊, Lemhi, 麦迪逊, 奥奈达市, 鲍尔县和提顿县).
  • 在4-H至少5年.
  • 在马项目中的领导力和4-H成就, 其次考虑社区参与, 学业成绩和经济需要.
  • 高中平均绩点3分.0或更高.
  • 就读于爱达荷州赞助的学院或大学.

第一学期奖学金金额为400美元. 第一学期完成,成绩至少为2分.5 GPA,剩下的600美元将发放. 的 successful student 必须 notify the UI扩展4-H青年发展办事处 with 大学 enrollment information and completion of first semester in order to receive funds.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请截止日期为12月15日. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请大学奖学金(PDF) 指令.



爱达荷州4-H之友提供1美元,000 大学 scholarships to 4-H members attending post-secondary schools in 爱达荷州. 奖学金将提供给爱达荷州大学的一年级学生, 大学, 技术或职业学校.

Applicants 必须 be between the ages of 16 and 20 and have been a 4-H member for four years, 至少有两年是在高中.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请大学奖学金(PDF) 指令.

该奖学金授予 已故的埃林·约翰森.

A $1,000 大学 scholarship is available to graduating 爱达荷州 4-H members who have been in 4-H at least four years and are currently enrolled in 4-H. 全面领导和4-H成就应是首要考虑因素. Community involvement, 学业成绩和经济需要 are secondary considerations.

申请人的高中平均成绩必须达到2分.8或以上. 将优先考虑就读于365滚球官网的学生. 申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请截止日期为12月1日. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.

这项奖学金是为了纪念莉莲·珍妮特·克雷格而设立的, 年仅2岁半,于8月6日与白血病作斗争失败. 12, 2008.

莉莉安的父亲, 吉姆·克雷格, was an active 爱达荷州 4-H member and served as judicial workshop coordinator for the 爱达荷州 4-H 了解你的政府 Conference as an adult. 莉莲的祖母, 玛丽·简·克雷格, retired from 365滚球官网 4-H青年发展 office in December 2009 and was instrumental in establishing the 爱达荷州 4-H学院奖学金 Program.

A $1,大学奖学金提供给即将毕业的高三学生, 或者是目前在高等教育机构就读的人, who has been involved in 4-H in 爱达荷州 and is a childhood cancer survivor or the sibling of someone who has or has had childhood cancer.

如果是兄弟姐妹, the applicant 必须 have lived in the same household and been between the ages of 4 and 18 when his/her sibling was diagnosed and treated.

奖学金可在任何高等院校或职业院校使用. 将优先考虑就读于爱达荷州学术机构的申请人.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.

默多克的牧场 & 家庭供应奖学金提供1美元,向爱达荷州4-H成员提供1万份大学奖学金. 这不仅限于爱达荷州. 奖学金将提供给任何一所大学的一年级学生, 大学, 技术或职业学校.

Applicants 必须 be between the ages of 16-20 and have been a 4-H member for four years, 至少有两年是在高中.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.

的 Oregon Community Foundation offers an annual scholarship to an 爱达荷州 4-H member who has participated in livestock showing or judging beyond the county level. 申请人必须是高三学生, a member of a 4-H livestock club and have taken livestock projects for at least three years.


Completed applications 必须 include an achievement story, a transcript and a photo. 申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.

的 奎因家庭4-H食品保鲜奖学金 shall provide eligible 爱达荷州 4-H students who have participated in food preservation projects with scholarships to support their post-secondary education. Applicants 必须 provide 250-words detailing their participation in food preservation projects during their 4-H Career. This scholarship is available to students planning to attend a two-year trade school, 两年制副学士学位课程, 或者学生选择的四年制学院或大学. 

Kelly and her four siblings along with their parents were an active part of Howard County 4-H in Maryland for over 20 years. 孩子们参加了各种各样的项目,包括烹饪, 缝纫, 木工, 摄影, 以及公开演讲. 孩子们在祖父母的农场里度过了时光, 采摘和装罐四季豆, 西红柿, 桃子, 梨, 还有其他各种各样的食物. 孩子们长大了,有了自己的家庭, the skills they learned during their years in 4-H became an everyday part of their lives. 食物保存一直是整个家庭的共同活动.

的 Quinn children exhibited their canned goods in the Howard County and Maryland State fairs earning ribbons and prize money throughout their 4-H careers. Several of the children received scholarships through the 4-H program helping to make higher education a reality for them. This endowment was created to encourage the continued tradition and skill of Food Preservation and help the next generation of 4-H participants to achieve their higher education goals.

罗伊和玛米·琼斯是克利尔沃特县长期的4-H志愿者. 1955年,玛米成为服装行业的领军人物,并担任了20年的领军人物. Roy was never an official leader, but was always there to help and encourage youth. 他们的三个女儿,埃德娜,佩妮和珍妮,都非常活跃在4-H.

A $1,000 大学 scholarship is available to graduating 4-H members from the Northern District, 前第一区(比华区, 邦纳, 边界, 克利尔沃特, 爱达荷州, 库特奈/休休尼人, 拉塔病, 刘易斯县和内兹珀斯县), 参加4-H课程至少5年.

领导 and 4-H achievement in projects other than livestock shall be the primary consideration. 社区参与和学业成绩是次要考虑因素. 该奖项不以经济需求为基础.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.

This endowment was created to honor the affiliation with the 365滚球官网 and commitment to the 365滚球官网 4-H青年发展 department. 的 Ruth Johannessen Shane奖学金 will provide scholarship to deserving students in the 大学 of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the 365滚球官网.

奖学金数额视申请人数而定. 近年来的奖学金是每人2300美元.


Applicant(s) 必须 have participated in 4-H with preference given to those participating a minimum of 4 years. Award(s) are given to undergraduate students with a junior or senior standing enrolled full time in the 大学 of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the 365滚球官网, 家庭及消费科学专业优先. 来自埃米特的学生优先考虑, 爱达荷州,其次考虑那些来自周边地区的人. 申请人必须表明领导成就,并保持3分.二年级GPA不低于0分才有资格申请.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.

Ruth Shane was a home economics (family and consumer sciences) graduate of the 365滚球官网, 在365滚球官网做家政学研究员. In addition, she served as 扩展 home economist in 拉塔病 and Gooding counties.

A $1,000奖学金提供给任何爱达荷州高中毕业生, 谁已经在4-H至少四年,目前正在注册4-H.

Applicant 必须 attend the 365滚球官网 and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Primary consideration will be given to applicants based on their Family and Consumer Sciences project achievement and leadership experience in 4-H and their community.

申请人必须通过 4-H学院奖学金 申请程序由12月1日开始. 15日的最后期限. 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅 申请4-H学院奖学金(PDF) 指令.


Youth and adult 4-H volunteers are encouraged to attend relevant leadership training events. 的 培训页面 包括如何申请.


联系你的 UI扩展县办事处 了解你所在地区的其他奖学金机会.


请注意,申请人 必须 透过 4-H大学奖学金申请门户 12月前. 15日的最后期限. Please review the 如何申请 document on this page to assist you with the process.

如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请发电子邮件 UI扩展4-H青年发展办事处.



玛丽E. 福尼大厅

莫斯科,ID 83844-3015



电子邮件: fourh@apipros.net

网络: 4-H青年发展
