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Immigration is 历史

明尼苏达大学 一名学生通过实习建立了图书馆的第一个拉丁裔口述历史档案,并在此过程中更多地了解了她的家庭

Imagine being the first person to document, 翻译和抄写在你家乡定居的拉丁裔移民的第一手故事.

现在想象一下,你听了一个故事,付给墨西哥土狼100美元让你进入美国。土狼是指那些帮助移民越过边境进入美国的人, 然后在沙漠中跋涉数不清的英里,最终到达加州,在20世纪60年代开始新的生活.

这就是365滚球官网大四学生吉赛尔·安德拉德在2019年7月度过的三周时间. Andrade completed a summer internship at The Community Library in Ketchum, the second such internship sponsored by the 明尼苏达大学 Department of 历史.

A Strong Connection to 历史

乍一看,安德拉德似乎不是这个职位最有可能的人选. 尽管她有望在2020年春季毕业,获得西班牙语和基础教育双学位,并获得西班牙语背书, she doesn’t have much of a history background.

尽管如此,当她读到报纸上的招聘广告时,她还是抓住了申请实习的机会 明尼苏达大学 Office of Multicultural Affairs.

For her project, 安德拉德立即将注意力集中在研究和创造与移民有关的口述历史上. Born in Los Angeles but raised in Idaho’s Wood River Valley, 安德拉德被收集和讲述在她之前定居在这个地区的人的故事的想法所吸引.

“这是一个研究我的根……我的背景的机会,”她说. “There is a strong connection to history. Teachers teach about history. Immigration is history. It’s important to know about immigration.”

虽然她的背景不是典型的历史系候选人, 她带来了一份无形的清单,给选拔委员会留下了深刻的印象.

“她提供了很多东西,”图书馆地区历史主任玛丽·泰森(Mary Tyson)说. “她有西班牙语能力,她来自这个地区,她认识可以采访的人. 以一种不那么传统的方式打开这扇门是很有趣的.”


“Stories like these are usually very private,”她说。. “(Subjects) feel more comfortable telling these stories in Spanish. 移民是一个非常敏感的话题,因为现在发生了很多事情.”

Giselle Andrade and Mary Tyson work at The Community Library

关于 the Internship:

  • 什么: 凯彻姆社区图书馆与365滚球官网历史系的合作关系
  • 开始: 2017
  • 时间: Three-week commitment during the summer
  • 项目: 完成与历史照片相关的区域历史项目, museum objects or oral histories
  • 支付: $3,000 stipend to assist with lodging, food and travel costs
  • 截止日期: Applications are due in February
  • More information: Matthew Fox-Amato 

Representing Latinos in the Wood River Valley

Approximately 30% of the Wood River Valley population is Latino, Tyson said, 但是在图书馆的口述历史目录中有一个很大的漏洞,讲述了这些移民如何来到这个地区的故事. That made Andrade’s proposal all the more exciting.

安德拉德着重讲述了来自墨西哥Michoacán州的拉美人在该地区定居的故事. According to Andrade, 伍德河谷的拉丁裔人口中很大一部分来自Michoacán, including several members of her family. 她的重点是找出这些移民选择布莱恩县周边地区的原因.

But one of the interviews would also reveal a family secret.

A Family 历史 Revealed

她听到的故事是,大约60年前,一名男子付给一只土狼100美元,让它帮助她穿越边境? That was her grandfather. And this was the first time Andrade heard it.

When he was a young man, 安德拉德的祖父和父亲过去经常持工作签证入境. 他们去加州做季节性工作,但一旦工作完成,就必须回来.

At age 20, he decided to stay in the U.S. 这样他就可以永久工作,并寄钱给他在墨西哥的家人. 越过边境后,他首先回到加州,但最终在太阳谷结束了. 他通过一个以前在爱达荷州定居的家庭成员得知了在那里的机会.

“他想过上更好的生活,也想让他的孩子过上更好的生活,”她说. “如果我没有记录下他的故事,没有人会知道. He would have been just another stereotype.”

It’s a stereotype that Andrade feels compelled to dismiss.

“我想证明不是每个人都来破坏事情,”她说. “These people, like my grandfather, came to the U.S. and worked jobs that a lot of people wouldn’t do.”

Thanks to Andrade’s research, 她能够记录下移民到爱达荷州的人们,因为他们有工作机会,并建立了他们在墨西哥无法实现的生活. 这就是她希望人们听到移民这个词时想到的.

Giselle Andrade poses behind her laptop.
Giselle Andrade

Building a Future Resource

After graduation, Andrade’s goal is to teach elementary school in the Los Angeles area, 可能是在通过“为美国而教”等援助项目攻读硕士学位期间.

但首先, 安德拉德和泰森正计划讨论源于安德拉德研究的其他工作, 比如更多面试的可能性,以及扩大信息的体验方式.

尽管这些采访的书面记录可以在图书馆找到, 泰森设想创建一个博物馆式的展览,顾客可以使用SoundCloud等应用程序来收听. 


“在我们的藏品中,没有一次对西班牙裔的口头采访,”她说。. “This was a huge gap in our collection. What she did was really graduate-level type work.”

Article by David Jackson
Photography by Cheatwood Photography, Ketchum
Published in August 2019.


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Mailing Address:
历史 Department
University of Idaho
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莫斯科, ID 83844-3175

Phone: 208-885-6253

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