

Think geologists only study rocks? 再想想. Today's geoscientists utilize a variety of tools and disciplines in their quest to understand scientific issues like the formation and changes of our planet, the effects of shrinking glaciers on the oceans and climate, 替代能源, 还有更多.

As a student in this program, you will explore the geological processes of the earth, the effect of erosion and deposition, and the formation and uses of rocks and minerals. You will also learn methods for locating, preserving and protecting 自然资源 like groundwater, 金属和石油.

Students in this program can focus their studies on general geology, 水文, 环境地质, 资源勘探, structural geology and tectonics, 或者地质教育.

This degree could be a good fit if you:

  • 享受户外活动
  • Are curious about the natural world
  • 关心我们的地球
  • 喜欢解决问题
  • 享受 studying math and the natural sciences

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • 地质学家
  • 博物馆馆长
  • 气候变化科学家
  • Earthquake or volcano monitor
  • 工程地质学家
  • 验船师
  • 环境顾问
  • 工程地质学家
  • 水文学家
  • 矿物学家
  • 公园管理员
  • 地震学家
  • 土工程师


以下是更多学位. 享受!