统计数据: Actuarial Science


Actuaries are risk assessment experts who work to help insurance companies, 金融公司, and other businesses manage risk.

在这个节目中, you will learn how to apply mathematical models to analyze financial problems, reason with statistics and data, and predict economic behavior. Graduates are prepared to become an actuary in an insurance company or as an analyst with a financial firm.

Careers in this field are consistently ranked among the best jobs by employment surveys, 以薪酬为基础, 工作条件, 工作满意度, 工作可用性, 工作压力.

This degree could be a good fit if you:

  • Think math and statistics are fun
  • 享受 an intellectual challenge
  • Like to solve problems and puzzles
  • Are an analytical, logical thinker

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • 精算师
  • 金融分析师
  • 商务顾问


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