动物 & 兽医科学:乳制品


Dairy products — such as milk, butter and cheese — are an important part of the American diet, and they play a critical role in the global agriculture economy.

This program focuses on the efficient production of a high-quality dairy operation. You will learn all aspects of milk production, from the physiology of lactation to the management of a modern dairy. Explore animal 营养 and reproduction, dairy production and manufacturing, farm management and other topics.

Much of your education will take place in the on-campus labs and animal centers, where you might explore pregnancy rates and grazing management systems. You could also help care for more than 100 milking cows at the university’s dairy research and teaching center.

This program could be a good fit if you:

  • Are interested in the dairy industry
  • 享受 working with livestock
  • Have strong leadership and communication skills
  • Are involved in 4-H or other agriculture-related activities

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • 生产经理
  • 企业主
  • 农场经理
  • 科研技术人员
  • 销售代表
  • 营销总监
  • 顾问
  • 分析师


以下是更多学位. 享受!