Food and Nutrition, B.S.

The science of a well-fueled body.

A healthy body begins with healthy 营养. It is important to understand how the foods we eat, and those that we don’t eat, affect our health.

In this program, you will study the 营养al needs of the body and apply that knowledge to advise others in healthy eating. Examine human anatomy and physiology, and explore the role of vitamins, 矿物质, 蛋白质, 脂肪, carbohydrates and microscopic organisms in the body’s biochemical processes. Learn to create 营养 plans, calculate caloric needs, plan healthy menus and advise clients about their diets.

This program could be a good fit if you:

  • Are interested in food and 营养
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle
  • Are strong in 化学 and biology
  • 享受 working with people

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • Nutrition adviser
  • Clinical dietitian
  • Health educator

Available On-Campus

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