职业生涯 & Technical Education: 农业教育

Prepare the next generation of agriculture leaders.

很小的时候, youth can begin learning important lifelong skills about raising crops, 爱护动物, conducting research and managing a farm or agribusiness.

This program prepares you to teach secondary-level students (grades 6-12) about the agriculture industry and technologies. You will gain broad agriculture knowledge, 探索教学方法, and learn how to plan a curriculum, manage a classroom and supervise out-of-classroom learning programs like FFA and 4-H.

Hands-on learning opportunities include shadowing a local teacher, assisting a local FFA chapter, and studying at the on-campus animal centers, greenhouses and plant science farms.

This program could be a good fit if you:

  • 我想成为一名教师
  • 喜欢和年轻人一起工作
  • Are interested in agriculture sciences
  • Have strong communication and leadership skills
  • Are involved in 4-H, FFA or other agriculture-related activities

With this degree, you could become a/an:

  • Agriculture teacher at secondary level (6-12 grades)
  • FFA或4-H主管
  • 青年发展教育家
  • 营销专家
  • Community planning consultant
  • University extension educator


以下是更多学位. 享受!