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Ray of Light

CAA Senior Prepares to Leave U of I Enlightened

从夏威夷搬到莫斯科上365滚球官网对阿什利·斯特雷夫(Ashleigh Streiff)来说是一个冲击. 她发现在爱达荷州生活的几乎每个方面都与阿罗哈州不同——甚至阳光也不一样.

While figuring out how to capture light on the Palouse, she also realized she found a place to call home.

Streiff, who will graduate from the College of Art and Architecture (CAA) with a B.F.A. in Studio Art and Design in May, specializes in a painting method called “en plein-air,” a French phrase for painting on location outdoors. 她在校园里的很多时间都是在课堂之外度过的——不仅是为了磨练自己的艺术技能,也是为了更多地了解自己.

“无论走到哪里,我首先注意到的总是光线,”她说. “我还没弄明白,因为这里的光线和夏威夷的太不一样了, 但我总能发现一些能让我更亲近的小东西. 当我想到我的艺术作品时,我把它比作试图找到我所属的地方. I get closer to putting it all together every day.”

Moscow: Through the Leaves

Sunrise in Moscow

Streiff has called many places home. 她在马里兰州出生和长大,在搬到莫斯科之前曾在德国、北卡罗来纳州和夏威夷生活过.

她上过的大学名单也差不多这么长:中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 檀香山社区学院和阿拉斯加-安克雷奇大学, just to name a few.

She found U of I in Fall 2022.

“我来这里是因为我在寻找合适的人选,”斯特雷夫说. “当然,我能够找到奖学金也很有帮助 Western Undergraduate Exchange scholarship, but the smaller size of the Art & Design 系帮助我认识了教授,我真的觉得这是适合我的地方.”

One of the professors who noticed Streiff was Casey Doyle, associate chair of the art and design department.

Casey Doyle

Art & Design Department Associate Chair, Professor

AAN 307


I wanted to tell my story of being in Moscow. 我需要了解自己的身份,同时面对来到这里,不认识任何人的孤独. But ultimately I found what I was looking for. I found a home.Ashleigh Streiff, senior

他说:“仅仅在她来学校的第二个学期,我就看到她周围有一种真正的能量。. “她有一种存在感——一种吸引周围人的光芒.”

Doyle asked Streiff to help revive the Visual Arts Community这是一个CAA俱乐部,在COVID-19大流行期间处于休眠状态. 她同意了,并以俱乐部主席的身份组织了团体表演、研讨会和社交活动. 在今年辞去领导职务之后, she remained involved by mentoring the new president.

斯特里夫还找到了其他让自己在校园里自在的方法, including volunteering for the Vandal Jacks, U of I’s Logger Sports Club. 她甚至捐出了一幅油画和一幅版画进行抽奖,为他们的比赛筹集资金. 


Assistant VP of Alumni Relations Amy Lientz, CAA Professor Casey Doyle, 阿什利·斯特雷夫和伊利诺伊大学校长斯科特·格林出席校友优秀奖颁奖典礼.

Sunset in Moscow

但斯特雷夫来莫斯科的主要原因是绘画. 作为一个从两岁开始画画,从小就上美术课的人, 她完全接受实践导致进步的概念.

“阿什利非常善于批判性地审视自己的作品,”他说 Aaron Johnson, assistant professor in art and design. “She accepts feedback and instruction, even if it’s not always complimentary, 因为她知道这最终会帮助她实现自己的愿景.”

A big part of Streiff’s vision comes from research. When she first came to Moscow, 她花了几个小时在校园里和城市里走来走去,拍照,观察光线在建筑物和地面上的反射.

“I work a lot from photos,” she said. “我把照片联系起来,让我想起不同色调的光线和不同的角度. I use those to re-create a moment or memory.” 


“Capturing light here is hard,” she said. “You’ve got green rolling hills, 周围都是棕色和黄色,光线反射出来的颜色也不一样. 尤其是在校园里,这是一个极具挑战性的地方.”

Painting beautiful U of I scenes may be difficult, but Streiff has accepted and excelled at the challenge. Her paintings gained the attention of U of I President Scott Green 和他的妻子加布里埃拉(Gabriella),他们家里有两幅斯特雷夫的作品 City of Moscow该公司去年购买了她的画作《365体育滚球》(Morning Greeting the Hello Walk).

斯特雷夫研究的另一部分是研究过去艺术家的作品. 她最喜欢的是印象派画家,其中包括莫奈和梵高等著名画家,也包括贝特·莫里索等不太知名的人物.

就像印象派画家把自己画进作品里, 斯特雷夫刚到莫斯科时创作了一系列自画像. 她这样做的部分原因是为了弄清楚如何描绘校园周围的风景, 但也想弄清楚她在照片里的位置. 

As she prepares to graduate, 她能够庆祝她在365滚球官网的两年,并重申她的决定.

“我想讲述我在莫斯科的故事,”她谈到自己的自画像时说. “我需要了解自己的身份,同时面对来到这里、不认识任何人的孤独感. But ultimately I found what I was looking for. I found a home.”


Article by David Jackson, University Communications and Marketing

Photo by Garrett Britton, 365滚球官网视觉制作和Ashleigh Streiff提供的图片

Published in May 2024

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Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
