


975 W. 6号街

莫斯科,ID 83844-1138



电子邮件: cnr@apipros.net

网络: 自然资源学院



考特尼 康威,Ph值.D.

Professor of Wildlife Sciences, and Unit Leader of the 爱达荷合作鱼类 & 野生动物研究小组


中国北车103 e




爱达荷合作鱼类 & 野生动物研究小组
莫斯科,ID 83844-1141

  • Ph.D.,蒙大拿大学,生物生物学 & 生态、1998
  • M.S.怀俄明大学,动物学和生理学,1990年
  • B.S.,科罗拉多州立大学,野生生物,1985


  • 野生动物管理
  • 保护生物学
  • 行为生态学
  • 生命史进化

了解更多关于如何 支持我的研究穴鸮迁徙基金; Ridgway’s Rail Dispersal and Migration Fund; 爱达荷合作鱼类 & 野生动物研究基金.

史蒂文斯,B. S., C. J. 康威,C. 蒂斯达尔,K. 丹尼,. 迈耶斯和P. 麦克拉. 2023. Backpack satellite transmitters reduce survival but not nesting propensity or success of greater sage-grouse. 生态与进化 13:e10820.

Allison *,. Z. T., C. J. 康威和A. R. 戈德堡*. 2023. Weather influences survival probability in two coexisting mammals directly and indirectly via competitive asymmetry. 生态 104:e4229.

Lundblad * C. G.,和C. J. 康威. 2023. Investing in a nest egg: Intraspecific variation in the timing of egg-laying across a latitudinal gradient. 环境科学 202:83-96.

Allison *,. Z. T., A.E. Morris*,和C. J. 康威. 2023. 为什么冬眠? Tests of four hypotheses to explain intraspecific variation in hibernation phenology. 生态功能 37:1580-1593.

史蒂文斯,B. S., S. B. 罗伯茨,C. J. 康威和D. K. Englestead. 2023. Effects of large-scale disturbance on animal space use: Functional responses by greater sage-grouse after megafire. 生态与进化 13: ece3.9933.

史蒂文斯,B. S., C. J. 康威J. M. Knetter,年代. B. 罗伯茨和P. 唐纳利. 2023. Multi-scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire on Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. 野生动物管理杂志 87(2):e22349.

拉克* D. A., C. J. 康威,K. T. Vierling T. 马修斯和D. 埃文斯麦克. 2022. Drones and bathymetry show the importance of optimal water depth for nest placement within breeding colonies of Western and Clark’s Grebes. 湿地 42:1-10.

戈德堡*,. R., D. E. Biggins,年代. Ramakrishnan, J. W. 水槽,C. J. 康威,D. A. Eads和J. 文萨特. 2022. 溴氰菊酯降低非目标小型哺乳动物的存活率. 野生动物研究 49:698-708.

史蒂文斯,B. S., C. J. 康威,K. 路加福音,. 韦尔登,C. 一方面,一个. 泽F. 史密斯,C. 华生和B. D. 美国瓦茨. 2022. Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat within tidal ecosystems. 全球生态与保育 38:e02222.

Allison *,. Z. T.,和C. J. 康威. 2022. Daily foraging activity of an imperiled ground squirrel: effects of hibernation, 热环境, 身体条件, 同比密度. 行为生态学和社会生物学 76:28.

LaRoche D. D., C. J. 康威和C. 柯克帕特里克. 2022. Small-scale variation in trap placement affects arthropod capture rates on sticky traps in riparian woodlands. 西南部的博物学家 66:275-279.

Macias-Duarte *,.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. Geographic variation in dispersal of western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) populations. 行为生态学 32:1339-1351.

Harrity * E. J., L. E. Michael和C. J. 康威. 2021. Sexual dimorphism in morphology and plumage of endangered Yuma Ridgway’s Rails: a model for documenting sex. 鱼类与野生动物管理杂志 12:464-474.

史蒂文斯,B. S.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. 绘制东部黑轨鼠栖息地质量和威胁. 水鸟 44:245-256.

巴博萨,年代., K. R. 安德鲁斯,. R. 戈德堡*,维. Singh-Gour P. A. Hohenlohe C. J. 康威和L. P. 等待. 2021. The role of neutral and adaptive genomic variation in population diversification and speciation in two ground squirrel species of conservation concern. 分子生态学 30:4673–4694

Lundblad * C. G.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. Intraspecific variation in incubation behaviours along a latitudinal gradient is driven by nest microclimate and selection on neonate quality. 生态功能 35:1028-1040.

Lundblad * C. G.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. Ashmole假说与卵群大小的纬度梯度. 生物评价 96:1349-1366

狄龙* K. G.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. 生境异质性, 温度, and primary productivity drive elevational gradients in avian species diversity. 生态与进化 11:5985-5997.

戈德堡*,. R.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. Hibernation behavior of a federally-threatened ground squirrel: climate change and habitat selection implications. 哺乳动物杂志 102:574-587.

Lundblad C.G.,和C. J. 康威. 2021. Nest microclimate and limits to egg viability explain avian life-history variation across latitudinal gradients.  生态,出版中. 

莱利,我. P., C. J. 康威,B. S. 史蒂文斯和S. 罗伯茨. 2021. Aural and visual detection of greater sage-grouse leks: Implications for population trend estimates.  野生动物管理杂志 85:508-519.

Helmstetter N. A., C. J. 康威,B. S. 史蒂文斯和A. R. 戈德堡. 2021.  Balancing transferability and complexity of species distribution models for rare species conservation. 多样性和分布 27:95-108.

康奈利,J. W.,和C. J. 康威.  2021. 在景观尺度上管理野生动物.  Pages 143-157 in Wildlife Management and Landscapes: Principles and Applications (W.F. 波特,C.J. 家长,R.A. 斯图尔特和D.M. 威廉姆斯,eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press in affiliation with The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, USA.

加顿,E. O., J. L. Aycrigg C. J. 康威和J. S. 霍恩.  2020.  研究与实验设计.  Pages 1-39 in The Wildlife Techniques Manual, Volume 1: 研究, 8th Edition (N. J. Silvy ed.).  约翰霍普金斯大学出版社,马里兰州巴尔的摩市.

康威,C. J., C. P. 纳多和M. A. 康威. 2020. Broadcasting regional call dialects has little influence on the effectiveness of call-broadcast surveys for marsh birds.  湿地 40:2055-2059.

Macias-Duarte,., C. J. 康威和M. 斑鸠.  2020. Agriculture creates subtle genetic structure among migratory and non-migratory populations of Burrowing Owls throughout North America.  生态与进化 2020;10:10697–10708.

史蒂文斯,B. S.,和C. J. 康威. 2020.  Mapping habitat suitability at range-wide scales: spatially-explicit distribution models to inform conservation and research for marsh birds.  保护科学与实践 2:e178.

  • 365滚球官网 Award for Excellence in Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Efforts, 教务长办公室, 365滚球官网, 2024.
  • Group Achievement Award from The Wildlife Society for the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program Collaborative, 2023.
  • Science 领导 Award, USGS Cooperative 研究 Units Program, 2023.
  • Excellence in Science Award, USGS Cooperative 研究 Units Program, 2021.
  • 2019年当选为野生动物协会会员.
  • 2015年当选为美国鸟类学会会员.
  • Presidential Migratory Bird Federal Stewardship Award from the Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds, 华盛顿D.C., 2013.
  • “Top-cited Paper Award” from the Association of Field Ornithologists for a paper cited most in the society’s journal, 2010.
  • “Outstanding Course Award” in the School of 自然资源 和 Environment, 亚利桑那大学, 2009.
  • 杰出科学奖,CRU计划,美国.S. 内政部,2008年.
  • 卓越服务奖,CRU计划,美国.S. 内政部,2007年.
  • 美国鸟类学会会员,2006年.
  • “Outstanding Course Award” in the School of 自然资源, 亚利桑那大学, 2006.
  • Excellence in Cooperator Support Award, USGS Cooperative 研究 Unit Program, 2005.
  • Shirley O'Brien 多样性 Award from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 亚利桑那大学, 2005.

  • Effects of cattle grazing on demographic traits and nest-site selection of greater sage-grouse. 地点:爱达荷州.
  • Causes and consequences of changes in migratory strategies for burrowing owls in North America. 地理位置:北美西部.
  • Effectiveness of forest restoration treatments on demography of the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel. 地点:爱达荷州中部. 
  • Effects of sylvatic plague on survival of the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel. 地点:爱达荷州中部. 
  • 鸟类卵窝大小纬度梯度的原因. 地理位置:亚利桑那州东南部.
  • 北美沼泽鸟类栖息地适宜性的建模. 地点:北美.
  • Habitat suitability of and effects of forest management actions on Pileated Woodpeckers on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area. 地点:爱达荷州北部.
  • 鸟类孵化不同步的纬度梯度成因. 地点:美国西部.S.
  • 利用激光雷达预测红脸林莺栖息地的适宜性. 地理位置:亚利桑那州东南部.



975 W. 6号街

莫斯科,ID 83844-1138



电子邮件: cnr@apipros.net

网络: 自然资源学院
